Bari Ancestors


 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 125,260  
Total Males 65,076 (51.95%)  
Total Females 60,164 (48.03%)  
Total Unknown Gender 20 (0.02%)  
Total Living 3  
Total Families 51,603  
Total Unique Surnames 10,432  
Total Photos 107  
Total Documents 0  
Total Headstones 0  
Total Histories 0  
Total Recordings 0  
Total Videos 0  
Total Sources 739  
Total Source Citations 935,091  
Average Lifespan1 53 years, 138 days  
Earliest Birth (Giovanni Fedele Michele DICOSOLA Between 11 and 15 Apr 1798  
Date of Last GEDCOM Import 21 Aug 2023 20:19:23  

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Giovanni DECORALLO 200 years 334 days  
Costanza Vita Antonia RICCARDI 111 years 182 days  
Nina BALSIGER 110 years 172 days  
Anna Vincenza PARTIPILO 108 years 131 days  
Teresa RACANELLI 106 years  
Rosa DITURI 106 years  
Anna BADEN 105 years  
Louis Francis RUSCIGNO 104 years 220 days  
Maria COVELLA 104 years 176 days  
Dorotea LORUSSO 104 years  

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.