Bari Ancestors

Welcome! What began as a search for my ancestors from Sannicandro and Loseto has grown into a much larger collection of 125,257 people who originated from every commune in Bari Province. Source records range from Italian church records dating back to 1576, Italian Civil records from most communes in Bari Province dating back to 1809 all the way up to U.S. State and Federal Records. Many of those who came to the U.S. are included with links to their ship manifests, census records, naturalization records and other records from their lives in the U.S. It is also a work in progress that will be periodically updated. Originally posted September 2020. The current version includes all Sanncandro di Bari Birth records from 1577 up through 1929, all Sannicandro di Bari Marriage records from 1648 through 1945 and all Sannicandro di Bari death records from 1667 through 1945 and all Cegli del Campo marriage records from 1809 through 1928. Recent additions also include several people from Mola di Bari, several people and dates from Triggiano, some corrections and it merges some people that weren't in previous revisions. As usual, if you see any error, or have any questions, please let me know.

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